The objectives of the Branch are to encourage and promote, at the Branch level, the objectives and interests of the Association; to coordinate with the Engineering Institute of Canada and its member societies and other engineering and geological societies and organizations; and to foster student interest in engineering and geoscience through such programs as Branch scholarships and awards.
We accomplish our objectives by providing a networking events to cater to a wide range of social interests and providing technical tours. We also put on the annual Haunted Tour at the Charlotte Street Arts Centre. This event gives us the opportunity to use our engineering skills in a fun way for the public.
The membership of the Branch is made up of:
• Registered members in good standing of the Association residing within the Fredericton District that have paid their dues for the current year; and
• Enrolled engineers-in-training and geoscientists-in-training of the Association residing within the Fredericton District that have paid their dues for the current year.
You can find out more about how we are governed by reviewing our by-laws: